Transform Asset Inspections with Talon's turn key 

AI System

Automated AI analytics software to manage your entire visual inspection workflow

Natural Language Models

Our language models can transform everyday language into powerful computer prompts. Our platform can understand word meanings, context and sentiment to seamlessly to and interact with users.

No-Code Model

Our AI tools require no coding. We make it easy to develop accurate maching learning tools through our simple data capture workflows, model design tools, and integrated model training capabilities.

Image Classification

Our AI tools automatically organize and classify measurements, pictures, and videos. By systematically structuring this data behind the scenes, we can correlate information across other operational data sources to generate game-changing machine learning insights.

Visual Question and

Our visual question and answer capabilities make our AI tools exceptionally easy to use. Users can interact with models using everyday language and receive prompt, AI-generated responses.

Object Identification & Analysis

Our AI tools can automatically identify and analyze objects. This includes macro-level analysis such as automated asset identification and asset counts, as well as qualitative assessments such as recognition or QA assessments.

Natural Language Models

Our language models can transform everyday language into powerful computer prompts. Our platform can understand word meanings, context and sentiment to seamlessly to and interact with users.

Object Identification & Analysis

Our AI tools can automatically identify and analyze objects. This includes macro-level analysis such as automated asset identification and asset counts, as well as qualitative assessments such as recognition or QA assessments.

No-Code Model Development

Our AI tools require no coding. We make it easy to develop accurate maching learning tools through our simple data capture workflows, model design tools, and integrated model training capabilities.

Visual Question and Answer

Our visual question and answer capabilities make our AI tools exceptionally easy to use. Users can interact with models using everyday language and receive prompt, AI-generated responses.

Image Classification

Our AI tools automatically organize and classify measurements, pictures, and videos. By systematically structuring this data behind the scenes, we can correlate information across other operational data sources to generate game-changing machine learning insights.