Talon App Update 04.20.21
April 20, 2021Talon App Update 05.27.21
May 27, 2021
- Added a new Session Status column to the All Sessions page that allows users to see a high-level view of what is happening across their tenant’s sessions
- Added a new Review Status column to the All Sessions page that allows users implementing the review feature to see where a session is in the tenant-to-tent review process
- Added a new polygon labeling option to improve the accuracy and experience of labeling objects for AI.
- Added the ability to create specified email and phone number text entry questions in the form builder so that the entered information is clickable and actionable.
- When a user clicks on the email or phone number entered, the system will automatically launch any compatible systems such as your inbox.
- Added the ability to send audio messages on the web using the chat feature.
- Added the ability for Session Admins and Tenant Admins to access the All Session page on the mobile app.
- Users can utilize the Sign In With Email option on the mobile app to log in with their web credentials and access their sessions.
- Added the ability to create session folders and organize sessions into folders on the mobile app so that all users have the functionality to organize their sessions.
- Session folder organization is specific to the user who created the folders. This means every user can organize their sessions page to their liking, and it will not impact another user’s sessions page.
- Made the session name and search criteria sticky to allow for easier scrolling and use of the bulk action buttons on the All Sessions page
- General bug fixes